Thursday, April 28, 2011


The girl at Harris Teeter today dropped ALL my coupons before she scanned them. After I left the store I realized she missed one $2 off coupon. I am bitter!

I love strawberry season!

I am tired! My busy schedule has finally got the best of me.

Last night my Sparks kids were CRAZY and that was before we gave them cupcakes! They are a great group and I can't believe we are at the end of the year.

I am a little addicted to making smoothies in my Vitamix!

I was crazy enough to tell Adrienne that an American Girl Doll store is opening in Washington D.C. I bet you can guess where she wants to go for her birthday.

We listen to old VBS music all the time....even when there are no kids in the car.

The NC homeschool conference is in May and it is like Christmas for me!!

There is nothing better than sitting on the screened porch during a spring rain.

This year I will be the mom of a 10 year old. 10!!!! That makes me so sad.

Adrienne prays every single day for a baby brother. Not sure about that one.

I wish I could be the "social butterfly" that Cole is!

I think it may be time to stop ignoring the screaming I hear downstairs and go see what my kids are up to!


The Johnson Scoop said...

Such a bad idea about D.C. you know you want to come to GA instead!! haha ;)

S, E, or O said...

E missed you Wed. night! We were away, helping my parents as E was thinking of what she could possibly be missing at church. I won't mention cupcakes to her. ;)

I hear you on the loss of a $2 coupon. That would irritate me, too. Ha! I am serious about my HT super doubles. In fact, I am finally going to get there today and hope that there are still some things left on the shelves.

...And I know how you feel about having a 10 year old. Olivia turned that curve in December, and I am still sad to see her growing so fast. (Where did all of that precious time go?!)