Thursday, January 19, 2012

What's going on....

A couple of weeks ago we were able to see some friends that we miss terribly!! I love how when you get kids together that have not seen each other in months they pick right up playing like no time has passed.

I have developed an unhealthy relationship with Pinterest.

Cole has decided to drop some things and focus on his favorite things: TKD and piano.

Adrienne is getting more like her Daddy every single day. The questions she asks are not 7 year old girl questions but the kind of things only her Daddy would know how to answer.

Poor Jeremy....well we kind of skipped his birthday this year. We were so busy with the no heat for a week issue that we decided to celebrate on February 7th.

The no heat issue made us realize we use the heat way to much. We really did not get cold until the last night before it was fixed. We are thankful that the part got here a lot quicker than the three weeks we were told it could take. I am so thankful Cathy let us use her heater for that week!

Tonight I learned Jeremy is an Animal Science professor at Fresno State. I am still scratching my head on that one right along with the students who are wondering why they are getting no response to the emails they sent their professor.

I am loving studying NC History with my kids. I wish it would have been this fun for me when I was in school.

I think that is the highlights of the Henson house for the first 19 days of 2012!

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