Thursday, December 6, 2012


I had planned on doing a blog post on our life with diabetes during the month of November which was diabetes awareness month. I never really could think of what to say so I just let the month slip by without doing it. 

On the outside our life is just like every other family with young kids. On the inside I am always on high alert looking for any signs of high or low blood sugar. I had a reminder this weekend of how crazy it can be at times. While the kids were singing in the Living Christmas Tree at church I was looking at Adrienne and she was staring downward instead of singing. I got the all too familiar knot in my stomach and was wondering what was wrong with her. Is she high? Is she low? Is she going to pass out? This whole event lasted probably 5 seconds and she was singing again. Of course it had nothing to do with diabetes.....the spotlight was in her eyes. To me it was just a reminder all the ups and downs we face every single day.

Managing diabetes is a battle that we are always fighting. At the end of the day I know that we were chosen to fight this battle with this amazing girl for a reason. I love that at such a young age she hopes for a cure here on earth but she knows that if it doesn't happen here that she will be healed one day!

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