Sunday, March 6, 2011


I need to make some changes in our school day. The changes are all good things like more time outside, instead of the never ending trail of worksheets we are going to be reading more. We are going to start our nature notebooks this week. I am very excited about this and I think the kids are too.

I need to start going to bed earlier. It is hard to do when I need to check Adrienne's blood sugar at midnight every night but it has to happen. I am not getting enough sleep and my whole family is feeling the effects of it.

While I am going to sleep earlier I also need to wake up earlier. I need "alone time" in the morning it is the best way to start the day.

My kids love to play board games and we play them plenty but I want to start "game night" with them. One night a week that they know we will be playing all the games they want.

For some crazy reason for the last couple of months we have not been reading to the kids before bed. It may be because we read so much during the day but whatever the reason we are going back to reading at bedtime. I love reading to them and it is so much fun now that we are reading books that I actually enjoy.

Change is not always easy but it is a wonderful thing!!!


Jennifer Hambrick said...

yeah, i'm with you...change isn't easy...but so worth it! sounds like a good plan you have!

S, E, or O said...

I am like you! I need my "alone time" in the morning! Hope your change is successful! :)