Saturday, June 4, 2011

NCHE Conference

Memorial weekend we attended the NCHE homeschool conference. We always have such a good time attending the workshops, wandering around the bookfair, swimming in the hotel pool, and of course eating at Mellow Mushroom. We were able to hear some amazing speakers this weekend that offered so much encouragement. I always come away from this weekend with so many new ideas and just feeling refreshed.

Here is a list of the speakers I heard.

Andrew Pudewa- Reaching the Reluctant Writer
Michele Zavatsky- Kids love travel- Let's Plan Some Field Trips on a Budget
Todd Wilson- Lies Homeschoolers Believe
Nancy Pearcey- Equipping Homeschoolers to Recognize, Resist, and Overcome Secular Worldviews
Dianne Craft- Smart Kids Who Hate to Write
Sonya Shafer- Charlotte Mason and Her Methods
Bonita Lillie- The Mommy Spa
Jennifer Schmidt- Living on More, with Less
Dari Mullins- Poetry in the Homeschool
Phil, Paul, & Anna Downer- Building World-Changing Relationships through Homeschooling

Of course I also made a few purchases but I did wait until the last day to buy anything. Here is a small list of my favorite vendors this year.

Miller Pads and Paper - always a must for buying your paper/art supplies
Simply Charlotte Mason - we are using this method in our school
Shatterpoint Entertainment - just ask Cole about his Jericho movie
Intellisense Phonics - Adrienne begged for this phonics program
NC State History - we are studying NC history starting this summer

If you homeschool your kids this conference is worth your time. If you can only go for a day I would suggest Thursday or Saturday. Friday is the busiest day and it can be overwhelming with so many people.

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