Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Oh how I love this boy!! He brightens each day with that sweet smile and funny jokes.

I will admit I am not always the perfect mom for this sweet boy. Like yesterday he was climbing a tree and the branch snapped sending him crashing down to the ground. Instead of running to see if he was okay (he could have broke a bone)I stand on the porch asking if he was okay and when it was obvious everything was fine I laugh. His own mom who should be picking him up and drying his tears.....LAUGHED!!! It was a funny sight to see and you would have laughed too.

If only I would have had the camera for the great fall......

1 comment:

S, E, or O said...

You bad Mama! :) I actually do the same a lot. It's like I am frozen, fearful of what will happen to the kid(s), and then I laugh when everything is a-okay!