Thursday, February 3, 2011


If you know Adrienne you know she can have a good meltdown from time to time. Sometimes she has logical reasons sometimes it is.....well I don't know what it is. Most of the time I deal with them fine but sometimes it causes me to have my own little meltdown. I have never claimed to be the perfect mom.

Last night was a meltdown night and she had a good reason. Yesterday was "pod change day" and we changed it with no problems. After changing her pod the kids are off playing and while wrestling Adrienne's pod must have been hit and it set off an alarm. Chaos!!! Cole is crying because he hurt Adrienne and she is screaming because she thinks she is going to be in trouble. They had been warned to stop being so rough because this could happen! Now we have to change the pod again while I remove the one that I just put on blood starts running down her stomach from the site. This has never happened before we are assuming it is because it had just been inserted. While trying to stop the bleeding Adrienne has her meltdown....screaming "I wish I didn't have diabetes" and crying her little eyes out. She recovered fine from the incident and actually was able to laugh about it.

As her parents it is hard to know you are making the right decisions.

Did we pick the right insulin pump for her lifestyle?

Do we baby her too much?

Am I being strict enough with her diet?

Am I being too strict with her diet?

Does she even get a voice in her treatment plan?

How do you know a meltdown is blood sugar related or just being a brat?

There are days that I sit back and feel sorry for myself. Today is one of those days because of how all the events went down last night. I would give anything for Adrienne to have a "normal" childhood. She should not have to worry about every single piece of food she puts in her mouth. She should not have to come out of a thirty minute TKD class and have to eat a snack because her blood sugar dropped from the activity.

As her mother I can not feel sorry for myself or her. I refuse to let diabetes define her. She is an amazing, beautiful, smart little girl or as her Daddy describes her "An inquisitive explorer who at anytime may reveal her latest (often disgusting) finding from the animal world."

Sometimes you just have the right to meltdown a little.


S, E, or O said...

"Sometimes you just have the right to meltdown a little." ---

Good, 'cause we have plenty of those here. :0

You're a good mom! Keep on doing what you're doing, and if you have your own meltdown, then your kids will know you're really human after all.

Take care!!!

S, E, or O said...

Oops, I sent the other too soon...

"While trying to stop the bleeding Adrienne has her meltdown....screaming "I wish I didn't have diabetes" and crying her little eyes out."---

Awww.... Tell her that there are two little girls here who think she's a-okay just the way she is!

Praying for you guys....

The Johnson Scoop said...

Poor thing! She is such a brave girl, and I think she does such a great job at handling diabetes. (Probably b/c she's got such great parents to help her through it!) :)

Terri Byers said...

You go girl! A good melt down every now and then keeps everything in perspective and in line! I think that because you question yourself, you are policing yourself. Diabetes is not fair, but she is amazing! God gave her to you and you to her for a reason. He allowed the diabetes to happen, but has great blessings in store. You are an AWESOME mom!! I am here if you ever need a shoulder or a sounding board!! :)