Thursday, September 22, 2011


This morning we had breakfast at the Observation Deck at the airport. Cole loved to watch the planes when he was two years old and it was fun today to watch the same excitement on his face as he raced up the stairs to watch a plane take off. He really enjoyed listening to the tower and pilots talking which of course he never noticed when he was younger.

I am working hard on myself lately trying to make sure I don't let these moments race by me without even noticing. It would have been so easy to play with my phone and not even look up to see Cole reading the signs on all the columns or Adrienne building a huge sandcastle and letting the little kids help even when their help was knocking it all down. I know I am way to distracted with nonsense a lot of times when I should be  playing legos with Cole or coloring with Adrienne. There will come a day when I am going to be the one longing for their attention and they will be the ones too busy for me. I want to make the most out of all of these moments with them because there will be no turning back time when they get older.

Of course my proud mommy moment came a few days ago when we were in a store and the man working there told them they were the most well behaved children he had ever had in the store. I am choosing to remember that moment because I am sure in the next store that was not the case!!


S, E, or O said...

I know! These times pass quickly, and I am trying to savor every single minute I can with these blessings! Glad you enjoyed a special time with your blessings this morning!

Jennifer Hambrick said...

Great reminder...