Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Trying to catch up......

I am behind with everything!


The kids lesson plans right now are a little "what can I pull together before they wake up" but they are learning so I am okay with that. I just need a day or five to pull it all together.

We are missing a lot of TKD right now. If you know my kids you know they love their TKD classes so this is huge for them to miss them. Cole decided he did not want to test this cycle I think when he misses a lot of classes he does not feel prepared.

Housework I am not even going to go into detail lets just say I am behind on that too.

Most of the time I deal with the chaos of my life pretty good but then we have the days that I crack a little. I may have cracked this week.........

Even though I am behind with everything I am thankful to have my kids home with me everyday. Would I get more done if they were in school? Of course! All that time I spend on lesson plans could totally be used on laundry. When they are grown I am not going to wish I had a cleaner house, or laundry was always washed and put away. I will long for the days where I could just sit and color with Adrienne or play soccer in the backyard with Cole.

We may be behind with everything but we are loving this life we live!


The Johnson Scoop said...

Glad to hear I'm not the only one! :) I'm going to have to call a couple teacher workdays in the next few weeks!! ;)

Jennifer Hambrick said...

Oh yeah, and add in keeping two extra kids for a friend! I'm sure that helped things a lot! =)

I love your perspective though...and it is so true. In 20 years from now, you will look back and think you spent your time doing the things that really mattered.